Identification of Bridge Markers
Bridge markers appear to have been fixed on bridges for which the West Riding of Yorkshire was responsible for the cost of repair. The most common form of marker is a cast-iron post marker ‘WR’. However, there are also a small number of carved stone markers. In Wharfedale, these appear to have been carved with a cross, but there are a small number of markers elsewhere in Yorkshire where ‘WR’ is carved into the stone.
The purpose of this project is to find and catalogue which bridges in Wharfedale are identified with which markers. We would like individuals to
Visit the bridges shown in this list
Inspect the verges on both sides of each end of the bridge
Note whether any marker exists.
Take a simple photograph of the marker and a simple photograph of the bridge.
Complete the data entry form (which can be found here) and send this to the address included, together with the photographs. Alternatively, send an email with the information, together with the photographs to this email address.
Often the marker is sited some way from the bridge. The law, as we currently understand it, allowed for the marker to be 300ft from the bridge or from the start of the causeway leading to the bridge.
Our current presumption is that most of the bridges, particularly the small ones, will not be marked. It is important that we understand whether this assumption is correct.
It is possible that alternative markers will be found, or stones that could be markers. These should be recorded and photographed.
The list of bridges has been created by inspecting the Ordnance Survey map. It is possible that you will find a bridge that is not included on the list. Please complete the same actions but also provide either a description of the location of the bridge or the Grid reference. Apps are available for your phone which will show the grid reference. (for example, ‘Grid Reference’).
This project is currently restricted to Upper Wharfedale. However, if, when you are walking outside of Wharfedale, you come across a stone bridge-marker with a cross or a ‘WR’ please report this to Chris Lunnon using this address. It is possible that, when the project for Upper Wharfedale is complete, it will be extended to neighbouring dales.
Health and Safety
Please do not take any risks when participating in this project. No information received for this project is worth any injury, or worse. Please assess each situation carefully before you inspect the bridges. Ideally, ask a second person to act as lookout when you are inspecting bridges. As the project progresses, the team will make assessments as to whether a difficult bridge requires a visit and will plan visits with enhanced H&S actions.